A child’s swing set abandoned in a war-torn playground, a haunting reminder of a lost childhood
A flag draped over a fallen soldier’s coffin, representing sacrifice, honor, and remembrance
A miniature battle scene with orcs attacking the fortress
A miniature diorama depicting a scene from Ishtar passing through gates guarded by fearsome creatures, each gate stripping her of finery, bringing the story to life in a tiny world
A historical epic with sweeping landscapes and battle scenes, depicting a grand and immersive story
An illustration of the Norse god Odin riding his eight-legged horse Sleipnir through the skies
A vast battlefield with clashing armies, mythical creatures, and heroes fighting for their lives
A serene illustration of the Norse goddess Freya riding her chariot pulled by two cats, with the aurora borealis shimmering in the sky
A lone warrior standing defiantly against a horde of monstrous enemies
A haunting image of the Celtic goddess Morrigan transforming into a raven, symbolizing war and fate
The signing of the Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I and reshaping the global landscape