A person walking through a crowded street, but everyone around them has the same face
A runaway trolley heading towards a group of people, forcing a bystander to make a difficult ethical decision
A social gathering where everyone is staring and judging, highlighting social anxiety and fear of scrutiny
A coming-of-age ritual in ancient Greece, with young men undergoing trials to prove their manhood
Two people standing next to each other, one looking up at the other with envy or admiration
A person’s behavior changing in response to the presence of others, illustrated by a chameleon adapting to its surroundings
A person trapped within a box labeled with a stereotype, illustrating the limitations of preconceived notions
A network of interconnected minds, illustrating the shared beliefs and values of a society
A group of people with identical thought bubbles above their heads, symbolizing the lack of critical thinking and individual opinions
A group of people all dressed the same, blending into a homogenous mass, illustrating the pressure to conform to social norms